Descendants of Benjamin Grayson of Wilkes Co NC - aqwn02 - Generated by Ancestral Quest

Descendants of Benjamin GRAYSON SR.



          !1810 Wilkes County, North Carolina Census 1 male, age 16-25
                                                     1 female, age 16-25
                                                     1 female, age <10

          !1790 Wilkes County, North Carolina Census 1 male > 16
                                                     1 female (John was a
                                                     neighbor to Benjamin
                                                     in this census)

           !1 Apr 1791, deed for 100 acres.
            John Grayson paid Thomas and Nancy Shepard  60 for 100 acres on
            the middle fork of Kings Creek, abutting the line of Thomas
            Stapps and the line of Joshua Jones.  Witnesses: William Durren,
            Benjamin Grayson; Proved in the July term 1791 in Wilkes County,
            North Carolina, on the oath of Benjamin Grayson, testator:
            H. Gordon C.C. [Book B-1, p 148]

           !16 Nov 1794 Wilkes County, North Carolina
            deed for the same land as above sold by John Grayson to Ann Wisdom
            for 55, witnessed by William Durham, Lorance x Bradley, and John x
            Walker.  Proved in court 1797-1 by the oath of Lawrence Bradley;
            County Clerk Wm. B. Linoir.

22. Thomas J. GRAYSON

Census records and tombstones from Ouachita County, Arkansas.  1850 Census
from Dade County, Georgia.  Deed dated 7 may 1850 from Dade County, Georgia.
Thomas J. Grayson bought this land, and then sold it 21 August 1860 for $1600.
Letter to Henry Grayson 1 May 1842 includes promissory note to Henry Grayson
for $5.00, dated 20 November 1842.

6. Joseph GRAYSON

                      A Will in Solomn Form

1H. Elijah Grayson                Joseph Grayson
Jesse Grayson                    Patsy Grayson
Henry Watson                     Benjamin F Grayson

                                         John Kelly D P

State of Tennessee

Marion County I Amos Griffith Reg. of said county by my deputy John Kelly do
certify that (    ) with last will and testament was duly registered in my
office in Book A pages 135 and 136

Registered June 18th 1823            Amos Griffith Reg
                                    of Marion County
                                    By John Kelly D P

       24 Apr 1801;Knox Co, Tenn.;Joseph Grayson bought 400 acres for $400
                    from Stockley Donelson.  The deed was witnessed by Lt.
                    Braizeale and W. Braizeale (copy of original document).

              1801;Anderson Co, Tenn.;Joseph Grayson was a member of the
                    committee formed to locate the county seat for the new

30. James GRAYSON

Data researched and recorded by the Grayson Family Association, St. Charles,

Betsey OWENS